Sunday, May 17, 2009

Drink Slores

This one has been a long time comin. On a given night out, there is a long standing tradition of guys buying drinks for girls. It has gotten so bad that some girls expect the drinks and also expect to be able to receive them/not reciprocate in any way. I'm not implying at all that girls should sleep or make out with guys who buy them drinks. If a young gent buys you a drink, you at least owe him some entertaining chit-chat or temporary company. I've seen chicks accept a drink and then try to pull a "thanks, bye!" maneuver, that's downright cunt status.

Now this awful wallet-depleting gag is pretty much a good thing that has gotten way out of hand with the evolution of society. Once upon a time it was an honor to have a dude buy you something to drink, it meant something. And in those days, it was also advantageous to the male because women would get drunk and be easier to get into bed (and they were okay with this). Essentially, it was a way of saying "Hi, I'm interested in seeing where things go this evening...even if it means knockin some boots." The ladies were grateful and at least showed some gratitude even if it wasn't genuine. Now, you're lucky if you even get a "thanks." Girls are now also privy to the fact that men get them drunk to get laid (and use it to their advantage).

Lack of gratitude is another killer. You buy a girl a drink, whether it be for a friend or for a lady of interest... i'd say more than half the time you don't even get a simple "thank you." If you plan on keeping it short and movin on after snaking the dude for anywhere from 6-10$, at LEAST say "thank you." Now if maybe you're interested and plan on sticking around a while, it may not be necessary. Like I previously stated though, you are obliged to at least give some entertaining conversation or good company in return (even if it's only 5-10 mins). Don't make the dude feel totally rejected and useless (or make yourself look like a complete gold-diggin drink slut). I appreciate being able to spot a sucker, but have some dignity.

On that note, these ladies are another interesting product of the evolving cat/mouse game we play. There are girls out there these days who are essentially drink poachers. They warm up to young (and old) men just to pry the dough from their billfolds. All to not have to spend a few bucks on a drink and have the satisfaction of being "pursued." I had a girl once tell me she does it just for "the chase." AKA "I love being fulfilled by poor saps I'm taking for a ride just to feed my ego.".. no words, just wow. Other girls will try any trick in the book to get their sweet nectar with no financial obligation. Every week I see sad dudes throwing away hard earned money on chicks they won't speak more than 5 words to.

There are cases where it's alright to buy drinks for women and it varies from guy to guy. Some will buy anyone a drink, others a select few. I am much more inclined to spend my cash on a girl if I feel she's earned it/deserves it. Is she entertaining me? Is she overly cool? Did she do something that made me say, "I'm gonna get this girl something to drink!" Obviously if you're connecting on other levels, then a drink is probably in order.. these are more just social reasons I have stated. Does it make you a fool for buying drinks? If you don't have some kind of standard, then probably. If you can't spot a drink-slut, then yes. 

Moral of the story is: guys, make 'em earn it and it'll weed out the despicable drink-whoring skanks... either they'll adapt or be sad buying their own booze. Or just take the easy road and don't do it at all. Buying a drink exhibits your acceptance of their dominance in the relationship (if you're dating, none of this applies). The dudes who reach into their wallet in the first minute of knowing a girl THOSE are the fools we all get a good laugh from on a night out. My slogan for the weak- "Say No, Keep your dough!" Stay strong fellas.

P.S.- Fuck T-Pain.