Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Public Decorum

Public Decorum
A True Disgrace To My Race

These are just random observations I've made from recent social excursions.

I am at the doctor's office about to get steroid shots like Mark McGwire, but then this guy (on a phone that looks like it came out in 2001, and seems like he thinks he has a brand new iPhone 4G or the latest Crackberry or HTC) gets on his phone and proceeds to talk LOUDLY in the doctor's office. Mind you, signs are posted everywhere to not use your cell phone in the lobby. Much less loudly. My mom and I sit there in utter embarrassment. I may have turned red, actually, but it's not like you would've noticed ha.

Never piss off a mother from the Caribbean. She will remind you of every social injustice that she and Black people in general http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGMlbTOnUpU.

One thing that draws my ire more than anything is to see a Black kid who comes from a home with two hard-working parents who gave them ample attention, provided for them plentifully and enabled them to go to the finest schools and afterschool programs go OUT OF THEIR WAY to act ignorantly, dress like they are from the slums (and front like they are from the 'hood). Yeah, go ahead and continue to perpetrate ALL the stereotypes while you're at it, bombaclaat.

There's nothing worse than eating at a fast food establishment nowadays. One of two things (or maybe both) are going to occur without fail. You are going to have a nasty attitude-ridden female ready to pop off if you order something that requires her to press the keypad too often and risk breaking her nails. The other thing, which for the LIFE of me I do not understand lately, is one in two guys at the fast food joint is gay. I don't mean down low, I mean LIBERACE.. Sylvester... Perez Hilton gay. And they are so bold as to try and hit on patrons. I darn near lost my desire to eat my warmed over Single Cheese combo after leaving Wendy's one day. What on earth...?

One last thing. This ain't the 70s. It's time out for these wannabe pimp guys -- usually in their 40s or early 50s with these BRUCE BRUCE-Electric colored suits strutting around at a club that is full of young women in their early 20s. Isn't there something wrong with that picture? Maybe they are part of the reason why women are choosing to date gay men http://www.theroot.com/blogs/hardline/are-black-women-choosing-gay-men or going to gay weddings or gay clubs. All to avoid guys like this?


1 comment:

  1. "It's time out for these wannabe pimp guys -- usually in their 40s or early 50s with these BRUCE BRUCE-Electric colored suits strutting around at a club that is full of young women in their early 20s."

    I think I just shed a tear.

    (And that video made my afternoon)
