Ever since the first big reality TV shows (Real World, Road Rules, etc), I have detested this outbreak of trash TV. Not only was it taking away from music on MUSIC television, but also the solid shows. With evolution of this abortion of television, we have seen Laguna Beach (and it's 8 spin-offs), all 30 of the "______ of Love" shows, 20 Survivors, Keeping Up With the Kardashians, the Surreal Life and many other nauseating programs.
Why do people enjoy this high school drama brand of television? Who cares what is happening to random unimportant people in the world? Apparently if you film people put in dramatic everyday situations, then people will care (not only about what happens, but the characters!). I was in the mall a few years ago and some average looking girl is in line next to me, she gets to the counter and the cashier girl pulls an "Oh my gawwd, can I have your autograph!?" Trying to figure out who it was, I sat there for a while. Once she left, I just asked and they said it was some real world girl. STOP THE PRESSES! I got an autograph from a reality TV nobody! Awesome! I shook my head in shame for the poor cashier girl.
I really want to know who was sitting around one day and was like... "I have the next hit show!" We're going to go to high school parties with rich, pretty, harmless white kids and follow them to see the girls be bitches and the guys play them! GOLD! We'll title it Laguna Beach because it goes with the Hollister lifestyle and we will revolutionize TV (into crap). My favorite thing is that they have crossovers from show to show! Brody Jenner is not only on "The Hills" but he's also the stepbrother of Kim Kardashian! Baffling!
It's almost like that 6 degrees of separation game, Brody is stepbrothers with Kim, who made a sex tape with Ray J.... WHO HAS HIS OWN SHOW! For the Love of Ray J (FOR THE LOVE OF GOD)! Wow, this poor boy is so broke that he got his own reality show to find love. As if a bunch of crazy gold diggers would ever love anything but your "celeb" status or the chance to say I'm getting smashed by a singer (Who had such hit songs as....um....uh....help me out here... oh yea, he split 'Sexy Can I?' with Yung Berg). What's next, A Shot at Love with Amy Fisher?!
The major things that all of these people in the shows (and the followers) have in common? Shame and Disgrace! The only people I can respect who watch are guys watching 'Keeping Up With the Kardashians' on mute with a bottle of Jergen's. To the rest, Lauren Conrad's drama isn't any worse or less important than your own. Stop living vicariously through others, get off the couch and live it yourself! I leave you with.... Next time on Laguna Beach.
lmfao@ A SHOT at love with Amy Fishah!